Our life of faith naturally breeds within us the virtue
of patience. The energy and time of unbelievers are
spent trying to get in control and stay in control of the
emotional and material circumstances of their lives.
Men and women of faith struggle rather to surrender
to and trust in God and His providence. This surrender
and trust free Christians of worry and anxiety and
allow them to focus their energy on the realities of the
present moment.
Patience is the ability to endure prevailing circumstances.
Our practice of patience needs to extend to our -
selves, our God, other people, and external situations.
We should develop the ability to be patient with our -
selves by not placing unreasonable expectations on
our selves and by being realistic about our abilities.
Our patience should also be exercised in our relationship
with God as we wait for Him to unfold His plan
for us.
Matthew Kelly
From A Call to Joy
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