We are capable of so much more than we think. You have no idea what you are capable of. None of us do. God is constantly trying to open our eyes to the amazing possibilities that he has enfolded in our being. The saints continue this work, encouraging us to explore all our God-given potential, not with speeches but with the example of their lives.
When we have the courage to collaborate with God and pursue our truest self, he lights a fire within us that is so bright and warm, it keeps shining long after our days on this earth have come to an end. The lives of the saints have captivated the people of every age for this very reason.
There are two questions that confront the people of every place and time, questions that confront you and me today: Are you satisfied with the direction the world is moving in? Are you satisfied with your life?
These questions are always before us, within us, around us. They are part of our spiritual quest and part of our human quest. These questions linger in our minds when we read the news of happenings in our own country and around the world. They tickle our souls when we witness the battle between good and evil, however it manifests in our own lives.
Are you satisfied with the direction the world is moving in? This is one of life's inescapable questions, and we each respond with passionate action or selfish indifference.
Our collective dissatisfaction with the direction of the world leads to the consensus that the world needs changing. And yet, we seem gripped by exasperation and paralyzed by the false belief that we can't do anything about it. The saints dispel that exasperation and inspire us to bold action. They remind us over and over again: We can change the world.

The Video Series
We are delighted to make the Rediscover the Saints video series available to everyone, everywhere, for free. The book is a great companions, but with or without it, this series of videos will have a profound impact on your life. The videos focus on the wisdom-insights from in the book. They follow the book from start to finish, if you are looking to delve further into one of the topics cover in the videos. Start watching today and share them with everyone you know.

About the Author
Matthew Kelly was born in Sydney, Australia. He has dedicated his life to helping people and organizations become the-best-version-of-themselves. Kelly is a New York Times bestselling author, an internationally acclaimed speaker, and a business consultant to some of the world’s largest and most admired companies. He is the author of more than thirty books, which have sold more than fifty million copies and have been published in more than thirty languages.
To learn more:
Matthew Kelly
New York Times Bestselling Author
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