Mothers and grandmothers often ask me what type of world I think their children will grow up to inhabit. It has been the question of parents and grandparents of every age. This is what I tell them… Tell me about the mothers of today and the mothers of tomorrow, and I will tell you about the future. Tell me about what mothers value and the values they yearn to pass onto their children, and I will tell you about the future.
The future passes by way of motherhood. It was always thus, and always thus will be. The role of mothers in history is unquestionable and unchanging. There is no substitute for a mother, in a person’s life or in the future of humanity.
Happy Mother’s Day to all our Moms!
1. What level of intimacy are your relationships at?
2. 10 Things to Teach Your Child about… Exercise! Watch the Video. Read the Article.
3. Did you know… I am releasing a new video every day on YouTube. Subscribe today!
4. Did You Miss It? Watch my latest live webinar and learn how to become a decade thinker.
5. What do your habits say about you?
6. The perfect Father’s Day gift!
7. For the young and the young at heart!
8. Are you a talented Social Media Coordinator… or passionate about Digital Marketing? I’d love to see your resume.
9. Stop looking for SOMETHING and start looking for SOMEONE. Read the Article.Watch the video.
10. It’s time to RECLAIM! your DREAMS, your VOICE, your TIME, your FUTURE… So you can share your truest self with everyone in your life!
We all need a little bit of encouragement in life, but there’s so little to be found in the world some days. I hope you found some here. Encouragement is uniquely human. We have a responsibility to encourage each other. I hope these words of Winston Churchill give you the courage to encourage others.
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
PS – If you missed the last edition, click here.
PPS – Thanks for your answers to my questions on my Facebook page. I have really enjoyed seeing so many people engaging. It is shaping the way I post. So, thank you!
More inspiration every day on social . . . YouTube
Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.