I am so excited about all the new content we are creating to feed every aspect of your life. It has been so much fun creating the short videos for you that we are releasing every day on YouTube. Hope you are enjoying them… and I would be very grateful if you could comment on one of the videos this weekend. Now, here is your inspiration…
1. Did you Make This Mistake This Morning?
2. Catch someone doing something RIGHT today!
3. Save the Date! On November 16 we will be releasing an interview I did with Fr. Mike Schmitz recently. If you are subscribed to my YouTube channel you will get a sneak peak in advance, but mark your calendar for November 16 for your chance to get to know the REAL Fr. Mike!
4. Running on Empty? How can we GIVE OUR BEST TO GOD? Sunday’s Gospel Reflection.
5. If you haven’t gotten your copy of my new book Reclaim, what are you waiting for? Sign up for the RECLAIM EVENT today and we’ll send you the book and the journal today!
7. How YOUR GREATEST FEAR is damaging your relationships – and what to do about it!
A quote to close… “Relationships keep us honest. They provide the mirrors necessary to see and know ourselves. Isolated and alone, we can convince ourselves of all sorts of crazy things, but other people keep it real for us by drawing us out of our own imaginary worlds. They don’t allow us to deceive ourselves. Other people keep us honest. Relationships help to move us out of our illusions and into reality.” From The Seven Levels of Intimacy
Have a great weekend!
PS – Did you miss this? STOP BINGING NETFLIX!
PPS – If you missed the last edition, click here.

Matthew Kelly is a New York Times Bestselling author, spiritual leader, entrepreneur, and thought leader. Check out his blog, Amazing Possibilities.