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Amazing Possibilities!

  • Writer's pictureMatthew Kelly

Question #12: Are You Expecting Too Much?

Welcome back to 21 questions that will change your life.

Question #12 is about expectations. Everyone has expectations of everyone and everything. These expectations can be the source of tremendous frustration, discontent, and unhappiness. And we are the creators of our own expectations, though they can be heavily influenced by other people. And other people place expectations on us. Sometimes other people have expectations of us that they don’t even tell us about.

Question #12 is… What expectations have been placed on you by others that you need to release yourself from? Release yourself from unrealistic and unreasonable expectations that other people have placed on you. And release yourself from unrealistic and unreasonable expectations that you have placed on yourself.

Today’s question is… What expectations have been placed on you by others that you need to release yourself from?

Matthew Kelly

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